There were many who visited or called to check on Silas while he was in the hospital. Writing about it made me think of one person in particular. David worked with Criss, and they had become friends. David dropped by the hospital several times, and he was always looking for ways to help. Silas loved for us to pull him around the hospital in the little red wagons they provide. It wasn’t easy because it took at least two people - one to carry Silas or pull him in the wagon, and another to pull the stand with the IV fluid. David would always jump in and help.
One day while he was there, Silas had one of those terrible screaming spells. David disappeared for a little while and returned with several stuffed animals from the gift shop. It meant a lot to Criss that he was there.
Last year Criss & David both won a sales competition at work, and the four of us cruised to Cozumel together. Just after we returned, David was diagnosed with lymphoma and passed away a few short months later, leaving his wife with three small boys.
We had told the kids that Mr. David was sick, and they asked about him often. We didn’t take the kids to the funeral, but we did talk to them about Mr. David going to heaven to be with Jesus. We shared with the kids about what a wonderful place heaven is and how no one is sick or in pain. We talked about how Silas’ tummy wouldn’t hurt any more in heaven. In a moment of inspiration (I thought so anyway), Criss told Silas about the banquet that we would have there one day, and told him that he’d be able to eat whatever he wanted. Silas was very excited about that one. Several days after David passed, Silas stopped Criss and asked, “Is Mr. David up there eating all that food?”
“Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” Revelation 19:9
“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain anymore…” Revelation 21:4
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