Thursday, December 30, 2010

"Little Autumn"

Criss gave me permission to share with you something he wrote while we were doing respite care for Autumn.  He entitled it, “Little Autumn.”

I can’t believe it’s time already as I sit in the floor and watch her innocently play with the inflatable blue ottoman. She laughs and giggles with no knowledge of her leaving soon. We get in as many hugs and kisses as she will sit still and allow, knowing it’s only a matter of minutes before they pick her up to take her home. Her home with us was temporary and we hope and pray that she leaves with something that she didn’t come with, something perhaps that she won’t remember but will have a lasting impression on her life. We gave her much love, lots of attention and care. A piece of us will go with her today we pray, as she no doubt leaves a lasting loving memory on our hearts. Our time was special but it has ended now, but not without hopes of more times in the future if we meet again. Perhaps she will remember the past, maybe not. For all who encounter her, there will be much sunshine and laughter, perhaps a tiny blessing unexpected.
If you meet such a little girl and you smile along with her and she brightens your day, say a prayer for her and remember, her name is Autumn.

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